Monday, 28 May 2018

The Battle Against ‘Acne’

Wouldn’t it be just swell, if we had a clear face throughout our lives? Our face is one of the most exposed parts of our body. It’s pivotal in making the first impression; for studies show that a clear and happy face is more liked and trusted upon. But alas the world is not a wish granting factory hence we have to deal with ‘Acne’. Every one of us has to face this problem every once in a while. Acnes show up completely unannounced and mostly just before we have an important meeting or a party to go to.

So what’s the science behind acnes? Is it what we eat or it depends on the skin types? Let’s find out….

Believe it or not, a lot of things about acne are still a mystery. The list of conjectures about puberty, food habits, genetics, and environment we live in. However, one of the prominent conjectures is by world renowned evolutionary biologist Stephen Kellet and Paul Gilbert that the oil glands in our body did not evolve as fast as we lost our fur. To simplify it, we lost the excess body hair with still a lot of conditioner in our body. This conditioner called as sebum then clogs our skin pores and causes acne.

According to the above study, it’s the oil that’s creating all the trouble. However, we also cannot ignore the bacteria lead infection.  Overall, the most important thing to focus here is that acnes are evil and must be dealt with strict measures that are gentle on your skin.

Here are 10 strategies that will help you to wage a war on your acne.

1. Aloe Vera and Ice Cubes

Aloe vera and ice fights acne

Precaution is better than cure. The best way to handle acne is to prevent them from showing up. For that you can apply fresh aloe vera gel ice cube on face daily at bedtime to prevent acne and nourish the skin. 

2. Neem and Tea Tree Oil

Neem and tea tree oil fights acne

Apply Neem oil or Tea tree oil on pustular acnes. Neem is an oil regulator with strong antibacterial quality which acts as a strong weapon against acne. Tea tree oil has more of the similar effect it quickly enters the pores, disinfects it and removes the oil.

3. Healthy Food

Healthy food fights acne

Avoid spicy oily fried food. Though it has been completely proved but based on number of experiences it has been observed that oily food can lead to acne. 

4. No Make Up

Avoid Make up to fight acne

Avoid heavy make-up. This is often recommended by doctors for makeup clogs up your skin and keeps your skin from breathing freely. Also remember to wash your make up instrument often to avoid infection.  

5. Drink Water

Water fights acne

Hydrate your body. Our body is 60% water hence it is necessary for us to keep refreshing the supply to keep your body healthy and keep the infections at bay. A normal person should have twelve glasses water every day. 

6. Lemon Juice with Sandalwood and Turmeric

lemon, sandalwood and turmeric fights acne

Apply lemon juice with pinch of sandalwood powder and turmeric on face to reduce acne. Lemon juice quickly reduces the redness of your skin with its astringent properties. The sandalwood and turmeric helps in cooling down the skin, turmeric also has antiseptic qualities which fights the infection. 

7. Tomato or Curd

Tomato and curd fights acne

Use tomatoes or curd to reduce excess oil on skin- apply it ten minutes before bath. Tomatoes are full of vitamins and natural acids that keep the oil on your face in check and the nourishment up to the mark. 

8. Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey fights acne

Pinch of cinnamon and honey with half lemon can be applied if the skin has open pores and prone to acne. The potent mixture of honey and cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that fight infections. The acidity of honey keeps the growth of bacteria in check.

9. No Milk of Dairy Products

Avoid milk, and bakery products to fight acne

Avoid milk and milk products, pasta, bread and bakery products. The mentioned food items are high on fats and can lead to acne. Also if you eat rice frequently, you might see big acne coming on your face and back. 

10. Berries, Melons and Pomegranate 

Berries, Melons, Pomegranate fights acne

Have berries, melons, and pomegranate to prevent acne. All the mentioned fruits are acidic in nature and very good for skin as they avoid the growth of bacteria on your skin.

The battle of acne is something that can stay on for our entire lives but with the above measure you can always have an upper hand and win it before it starts!

Word of Caution - Usage of home remedies is not generalised! Please consult a doctor or nutritionist for consuming any of the above.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

5 Things Your Itchy Scalp Is Trying to Tell You

Most of us have experienced dandruff at some point in our lives. The itchy scalp, the flaky whites and the embarrassment it entails can be troublesome in many ways. It becomes an added nuisance during the summers with all the heat. If you’re looking for ways to curb your scalp woes and find a long-term solution, it might be wise to go with natural remedies. Rather than trying over the counter medicines or using excessively harmful hair products, let nature handle your worries. Here are top 5 things that your scalp wants you to know:

1. It’s More Common Than You Think

People suffering from dandruff

Dandruff is a common skin condition that affects a number of people. Despite being so common, many of us don’t know what dandruff really looks like. Did you ever notice greasy skin flakes that are visible on dark clothing or on your scalp? It may also be accompanied by inflammation or redness on your scalp. That’s dandruff! And hey don’t you worry, dandruff is treatable!

2. It’s Caused by Multiple Factors 

Factors causing dandruff

Dandruff affects people irrespective of their age, gender or race. Though the exact cause of dandruff is unknown, the following factors are speculated to cause dandruff:
  1. Not brushing your hair enough
  2. Dry skin or irritated and oily skin (seborrheic dermatitis)
  3. Eczema, psoriasis or other skin disorders
  4. Shampooing too often or using the wrong hair products
  5. Excessive mental stress 
  6. Lack of zinc, B vitamins and some types of fats in your diet 

3. Its Consequences Can Be Alarming  

consequences of dandruff

The effects of dandruff may not be limited to your scalp. Dandruff can also spread to your face. Hence you may notice some reddish, greasy or dry skin between your eyebrows and the corner of your nose. Some people also experience scaly, greasy and inflamed skin on their chest and back. Dandruff can also cause hair fall, acne, itching and asthma. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? And since most of us are conscious about our appearances, we find it challenging to handle the undesirable social effects of dandruff as well. You know the times when people maintain an arm’s distance from you? 

4. It’s Important to Maintain Good Hygiene & Relax!

Stay healthy and relax to keep the dandruff at bay

We know it’s hard but try to resist the urge to scratch your scalp and shampoo regularly but not too often. It helps to get rid of the excess oils and keep dandruff symptoms at bay. Also, don’t use too many hair products that may damage your scalp. And most importantly, relax! Stress can be a trigger for your dandruff problems. Get that smile back on, go exercising, eat healthy food, sleep well and stay happy.

5. It Can Be Treated with Natural Remedies

Don’t get overwhelmed with your dandruff worries. The good news is it can be treated without harsh chemicals or medicines. Some of the best natural remedies include:


Natural Remedies to treat dandruff : Yogurt

Leverage the yogurt benefits! Apply a cup of plain yogurt on your hair after shampoo, keep it on for 15 minutes and rinse. Do it twice or thrice a week for a month and you’ll notice a visible difference, yay!


Natural Remedies to treat dandruff : Eggs

You can make a DIY egg mask and apply it on your hair, let it sit for an hour and wash with lemon water. This will also make your hair healthier; so, it’s a win-win situation! 

Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil 

Natural Remedies to treat dandruff : Coconut oil and Lemon Juice

Combined together, this potent mixture can restore the pH balance of your scalp and strengthen your roots. Granny was right, coconut oil works wonders!


Natural Remedies to treat dandruff : Garlic with Honey

Mix two or three garlic cloves with water and use it on your scalp for quick results. Worried about its pungent smell? Add honey and ginger to make it bearable!

Aloe Vera 

This cooling plant can provide relief from inflammation and calm down your irritated scalp. It’s a real boon for your skin and hair! 

You can also try a homeopathic treatment to get rid of dandruff and enjoy shiny hair with a clear scalp. Say goodbye to dandruff and hello to healthy and clean hair! 

Word of Caution - Usage of home remedies is not generalised! Please consult a doctor or nutritionist for consuming any of the above.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Trouble Sleeping? Natural Remedies for a Sound Sleep

Remember the night when you accidently or, in the popular cases intentionally, in your pursuit to find something meaningful on YouTube, go pass your bedtime and then you just can’t sleep. Although these cases may seem serious and give you headaches the next morning, they cannot be categorized in insomnia.

In insomnia a person regardless of all his efforts to sleep cannot sleep night after night.

So what causes insomnia?

First it’s important to know how serious is the insomnia itself. Is it acute or chronic? 

An acute insomnia can last for weeks but a chronic insomnia will last for months.
Insomnia is caused due to psychological as well as physical problems. It is also based on your eating habits and your lifestyle. Now that we have established the premise, let’s dive into the topic and see the causes of insomnia in detail.

The chief psychological causes for insomnia are

Other psychological causes leading to insomnia are

Some physical issues like hyperthyroidism also lead to insomnia. According to the sleep foundation the following physical issues can lead to insomnia

What you eat also plays a major role in deciding your sleeping habits. According to the sleep foundation the following items can lead to insomnia

Now that you are well verse with the causes of insomnia and have found the root of your problem let’s discuss the natural remedies.

1. Have chamomile tea or oolong tea one hour before bedtime if the cause is stress.

2. Use essential oils on pillows and wrist or behind ears; just a drop of lavender oil or patchouli oil works magic.

3. AnulomVilom for three to five minutes before bedtime can lead to a sound sleep.

4. One glass of water with honey, pinch of turmeric, and cinnamon powder works on your immunity and also has sleep inducing effect.

5. Warm milk with pinch of turmeric, one spoon ghee, and jaggery is a magical latte for Indians to sleep.

6. Soak your feet in hot water for ten min on a rolling pin and massage later for ten min with upward strokes using sesame or coconut oil.

7. Have light meals for dinner at least two hours prior to sleep.

8. Have one teaspoon poppy seeds with hot water half an hour before going to bed.

9. Soak ten to fifteen raisins in water first thing in the morning and have them at bedtime. 

10. Have 2-4 strands saffron in warm milk half an hour before going to bed.

11. Avoid smoking, drinking, and caffeine four hours before you hit the bed.

We hope that with the above steps you will be able to establish a good sleeping habit and in turn have a sound sleep every night. However lack of sleep is also a sign of chemical changes in the brain which differ from person to person. If the problem persists even after trying all the above methods, you should consult a doctor at the earliest.

Word of Caution - Usage of home remedies is not generalised! Please consult a doctor or nutritionist for consuming any of the above.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Beat the Heat with Natural Treat

A summer vacation calls for a lot of fun activities such as biking, swimming, road trips, beaches and many more. However, it also calls for an extra care for your body. Our bodies are made of 55 – 60% of water.

The water regulates the body temperature, facilitates bowel movements, and keeps the circulation healthy. Water is consumed in large amount in these processes.

How much water?

Our body loses around 2-3 litres of water every day and it’s our job to replenish it.

So what do you have in your mind?

Do you wish to replenish it in an entirely boring way?

By drinking lots of water?

Or you want to make this activity fun?

Here are some awesome things you can have to keep your body hydrated.

1. Watermelon

Things to be eaten in summer

A watermelon is 92% water.  Along with  it each yummy bite consist vitamin A, B6, C, and antioxidants, all of which are necessary for a healthy body in the summers. It has also a rich content of lycopene, a and amino acids and potassium.

2. Cucumber

Things to be eaten in summer

Cucumber has a tiny lead over the watermelon. Cucumber is 95% water. It’s also loaded with anti-inflammatory flavonol, antioxidants, and fibres. These nutrients keep the mind steady and body fit and healthy.

3. Curd

Things to be eaten in summer

Curd is a natural coolant hence it’s one of the tastiest ways of beating the heat. Along with cooling the body, it also reduces the body cholesterol level. The zinc, Vitamin E and phosphorus content works wonders for skin.

4. Coconut Water

Things to be consumed in summer

The coconut water is 94% water. It’s also packed with vitamin, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for a healthy body in summers. Along with coconut water you can also yourself with buttermilk, sattu ka pani ,subja in water.

5. Green Leafy Vegetables

Things to be eaten in summer

It’s part of our daily conversation and a remedy to almost everything. Green leafy vegetable is high on water and fibre content. It also consists of vitamin K and antioxidants.

6. Onions

Things to be eaten in summer

Though you may shy away from it because of the smell, onions can work wonders for your body in summers. It consists of quercetin which protects you from sun-stroke. The vitamin C content is good for skin and improves immunity. It also regulates your blood sugar.

Shield yourself from the Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is one of the most common cases in summer. It is the result of your body’s inability to maintain its temperature. The condition can be life threatening in cases where the body temperature goes beyond a certain limit.

You can avoid it from happening with these simple remedies.

1. Wash Away the Heat

A boy taking a shower

Take shower twice a day. Avoid head bath at night time as it can give you headache.

2. Keep Your Shields Up

A girl carrying an umbrella

Use umbrellas, sunscreens, and glares to protect the skin from heat. Use SPF 35- 50 twenty minutes before you go out in the sun for best results.

3. Remember the Golden Rule

A boy swimming

After coming back from swimming don’t eat anything immediately! Try to drink hot water with jaggery or honey then eat something so that your body temperature is maintained.

4. Make-up Will Make Will Let You Down

A girl putting on Makeup

Use little to no make-up so that your skin doesn’t get clogged and develop pimples! 

5. Your Skin Needs Water Too

A girl applying aloe vera and ice cubes on her face

Apply aloe vera pulp and ice cubes on face daily at bedtime to retain the skin moisture and reduce tanning.

6. Not too Hot and Not too Cold

a sick boy under an AC

Don’t sit under the fan, cooler or AC directly. You should be particularly careful about the kids who suffer from cold and cough frequently. Use cotton ear plugs to maintain the body temperature internally when near an AC / cooler.

7. Wear Light, Feel Light

A family wearing light clothes

Avoid dark colours and opt for the pastel colours. Wear breathable cotton / linen so that your body can breathe which. This will help you avoid heat rashes.

8. The Shinier the Hotter

A girl applying oil in her head

Avoid excessive oiling of hair. If you have an oily scalp, try to wash your hair frequently. Keep the scalp clean to avoid dandruff and itchy scalp.

9. Say No to Packaged Food

Packaged food

Avoid hot food kept in plastics and aluminium foils as it might harm your stomach and create acidity and low immunity.

With these sought after remedies we are confident that you will beat the heat and not the fun, this summer. Happy Vacation!

Word of Caution - Usage of home remedies is not generalised! Please consult a doctor or nutritionist for consuming any of the above.